Why It’s Not Wrong For Doctors To Retire Early

When Jason Kilar graduated from college he experienced tremendous personal and professional adversity.  Three days after graduation, Kilar’s father ended his own life after battling...

The Financial Cost Of Being An Academic Physician

After doctors finish their medical training, there is a spectrum of career options that range from full-time clinical medicine (which most people choose) to...

Should You Convert Your 401(k) To A Roth IRA After Residency/Fellowship?

Many residents and fellows will contribute to a 401(k) or 403(b) over the course of their medical training. They should be commended for saving...

Donate To School Projects With DonorsChoose.org

Since we are in the last week of the year and many people are thinking about charitable contributions, I'd love to give a shout-out...

Annual Contribution Limit Increases for 2019 (401k, 403b, IRA, HSA)

We're nearing the end of the year, and people are starting to think ahead to 2019. November brings open enrollment season for many workers, so...

When Life Gets Stressful, Reset Your Mind

The other day I was doing my taxes and I was in an endless loop of error. I was entering my backdoor IRA conversion...

Saving For College: Introduction to 529 Plans

Saving for a child's college education is one of the biggest expenses in a young physician's budget. Most physicians will not qualify for need-based...

Would Most Doctors Pass The Stanford Marshmallow Test?

The premise of the marshmallow test is simple. Put a young child in a room with a marshmallow. Promise them two marshmallows if they can...

Four Reasons To Hire A Financial Advisor

I'm a big proponent of do-it-yourself investing. In the age of index funds, many investors can manage their own investments at very low cost. And...

Is It Still Worth It Financially To Go To Medical School?

It is no secret that medical school is getting very expensive. Over the past 20 years, the cost of medical school has greatly outpaced...