Are We On The Verge Of A Generation Of Hyper-Risky Investors?

I recently posted about a friend whose wife had no tolerance for equity risk based on her negative prior experience watching her parents lose...

Preparing For The Next Recession

The current bull market is over 9.5 years old, one of the longest on record. I've frequently written about how you cannot predict when the...

Child Tax Credit: Significantly Expanded For 2018 And Beyond

The tax law signed by President Trump in 2017 brought several new changes for physicians and other high-income professionals. One helpful change for families with...

Turn Off The Financial News

There's a lot of financial information out there. Some of it is helpful, and some of it is unhelpful. I'm sure many of you take...

Planning For An (Uncertain) Financial Future

The tricky part about retirement planning is uncertainty. Uncertainty in retirement planning comes from three major sources. 1. Current and Future Income Doctors are fortunate in that...

Zero, Nil, Zip (Fees): A Look At Fidelity’s FNILX And FZIPX Index Funds

Fidelity rocked the investment world in July 2018 with its introduction of the first two mutual funds with zero fees: Fidelity ZERO Total Market...

The Simple Solution To Physician Financial Illiteracy

Physician financial literacy is dismal. In the past, many physicians got their first introduction to finance from insurance salesman or financial advisors who give...

Tax-Adjusted Asset Allocation: Is It Necessary?

Asset allocation is one of the most important principles in investing. Investors need to strike the appropriate balance between stocks, bonds, and other asset...

Don’t Order A Test If It Won’t Change Your Management

Doctors order a lot of tests. Let's be clear, most of these tests are quite good and help with diagnosis and management. They can help...

Highlights From The Wall Street Physician’s 1st Year

The Wall Street Physician blog recently turned one year old. Thank you so much for making the blog's first year a success. I know that...