Don’t Micromanage Your Investment Portfolio

Investing doesn’t have to be complicated. All it takes is an investment in three index funds to build a diversified portfolio at very low...

Statistically Significant, Clinically (or Financially) Insignificant

There is so much to learn about the nuances of different investment accounts, asset classes, and savings techniques. But once you know the basics,...

On Paper Gains and Paper Losses

The stock market has had a breathtaking run over the past 8 years. Since its low point in March 2009, when the S&P 500...

Did You Beat The S&P 500 Last Year?

Everyone loves to compare. Physicians are especially prone to comparing themselves to others. After every medical school exam, the first question out of most...

Why Jim Cramer Is Wrong About Doing Your Homework

When I worked on Wall Street, CNBC played on the TVs around the trading floor. Most of the traders were gone by 5:30 pm,...

What Is The Cheapest Way To Build A 3-Fund Portfolio In 2019?

The three-fund portfolio is one of the most popular ways to build a lazy index fund portfolio. By using just three index funds, you...

The Bull Market Is Over (Or Is It?)

The stock market has had a breathtaking run over the past eight years. Since its low point in March 2009, when the S&P 500...

In Search Of Low-Cost Active Management Mutual Funds

In the past, I’ve written about five of the most expensive mutual funds on Wall Street. These mutual funds all had expense ratios greater...

Portfolio Rebalancing: Why, When, and How

Investing can be pretty simple -- just pick a few index funds and decide how much of each asset class (e.g. stocks, bonds) to...

A 15% Yield Does Not Equal A 15% Return: A Cautionary Note About High-Yield...

Many new investors are attracted by the interest rates offered by high-yield bonds. With the advent of peer-to-peer loan marketplaces, investors can lend money...